Views Near the Mogollon Rim
What's this? Two updates in the span of a week? Oh SNAP!
Quite possibly one of the funniest jokes I've seen on TV in a while - DJ Roomba!
Sorry, I think I was channeling Aziz Ansari - I've been watching a lot of Parks and Recreation lately.
But, I digress. I recently visited the Mogollon Rim for some fishing, camping, and hiking activities with three of my best friends. While I decided my camera was simply too heavy to heft up Humphrey's Peak (the tallest mountain in Arizona - an extinct volcano), I did get some great pictures of the views near Woods Canyon Lake, as well as a cave near the cabin we stayed at.
Also, I did not catch a single fish at the lake, which is per usual. Neither did I actually reach the top of Humphrey's Peak - you have to be in decent physical shape to do that. Enjoy the pictures.